Event announcement:
Beloved Earthdancers, we have made the decision to cancel this years physical event. We cannot in good conscience, go ahead with a large public event at this time. We know many have different views on this subject- we feel the safest, wisest and most ethical choice, is to hold off and postpone.
There are a lot of unknowns at this time, we cannot take any chances.
The safety of all of you, our crew and artists is of highest priority. It is still unknown when indoor music venues will be allowed to open, it is unlikely it will be before the time of our event. As we have a minimum of a three month production lead time, we have had to make this decision now.
We will contact those of you who have purchased tickets directly to discuss your options.
We do have some good news though. All global Earthdance events are going virtual instead! So we can still connect and gather together in another way. We will be announcing more on this very soon so watch this space.
We love you, we miss you and we really hope you will connect with us through our online event on 19th September. 

Take care of yourself and each other, go gently this has been a year of epic undoing of what we know as normal. We are going through a huge shift energetically, the planet and as humanity.
The times of change and the great awakening are upon us. It may be bumpy, but we have got this. We will find our way through- remember there is an infinite guiding light living within you. It has always been there. It will always be. The light of your soul. 
